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O ‘sábado da celulite’ foi uma das coisas mais inspiradoras que aconteceram nos últimos tempos

Para encorajar mulheres a se sentirem confiantes com seus corpos, a YouTuber e ‘ativista corporal’ canadense Kenzie Brenna começou no Instagram a hashtag #CelluliteSatuday. O movimento quer aumentar a autoestima das mulheres mostrando que a celulite é perfeitamente normal. Além disso a iniciativa também desmistifica a ideia de que apenas pessoas obesas e sedentárias possuem celulite.

“Faço exercícios 5 vezes por semana, corro, faço yoga, faço alongamento, como salada e bebo mais de um litro de água todos os dias. Eu costumava usar cremes, fiz massagens e até pensei em fazer lipo. Então, não me diga que eu tenho que ser mais apta, mais saudável, mais isso, mais aquilo, não me diga para tentar outro creme ou que eu preciso criar mais fluxo de sangue para os lugares onde tenho celulite“, escreveu Kenzie em seu primeiro post no movimento #CelluliteSaturday. “Meus amigos, minha celulite está aqui para ficar e estou muito bem com isso”.

A Celulite afeta cerca de 90 por cento das mulheres e 10 por cento dos homens e pessoas de todos os tipos físicos podem tê-la, até mesmo modelos magérrimas de passarela.

“Espero que quando as pessoas clicarem na hashtag reconheçam a celulite como uma parte do nosso corpo que pode ser totalmente aceitável e que não precisamos eliminar ou esconder. Isso é apenas mais uma característica de um corpo”.

Confira algumas fotos da iniciativa:




@Regrann_App from @omgkenzieee - GOOD MORNINGGGG ✨☀️🌎 So, today is #cellulitesaturday 💆💜 Let's talk stats ok? These are pretty wild to me. 42% of girls in grade 1-3 want to be thinner 💔 78 fucking % of 17 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies 💔 "Teenage girls are more afraid of gaining weight then getting cancer, losing their parents or nuclear war." 😖😖😖 In 2013 the American Medical Association created a policy that really didn't go anywhere, stating that the effects of digitally altering images to impressionable youth were so harmful they cause HEALTH PROBLEMS. I'm not making this shit up people. And did it do anything? Nope. That's why offering up my #realbody, unedited, unfiltered for you to look at, for trolls to rip apart, is important because we have LITERALLY FORGOTTEN WHAT REAL BODIES LOOK LIKE. To quote WIKIPEDIA "cellulite occurs in 80-90% of women, the prevailing medical condition is that it's 'merely the normal condition of many women.'" 👏NORMAL. It's NORMAL.👏 With stats above it drives me so hard so that way my future daughters and sons grow up with more real images of bodies around them than I did. To pray their mental and physical health wasnt as affected as mine was. #fuckyeahhhhh #thisbody #celluliteisokay #bodyconfidence #nobodyshame #recovery #bodyimage #bodyimageissues #cellulite - #regrann
 post shared by NONAIRBRUSHEDME MOVEMENT (@nonairbrushedme) on

#cellulitesaturday? Can that be a thing? Last time I posted a picture of me TRYING to embrace a part of my body that I have been trying to change forever, 2 things happened. 1. A lot of women and even a few men came forward and said amazinggggg things like "thanks, your dope I need this, I NEED to see more of this, I WANT to see more of this, keep doing what you're doing, yes to normal bodies, etc." the incredible comments kept going, of people sharing their own struggles with trying to accept their bodies, to some women who don't even have cellulite embracing my body - THAT my friends is what this bopo community is all about. 2. Second thing that happened was obviously, the opposite. "Disgusting, gross, cellulite is not healthy, don't encourage kids or women to be unhealthy, nasty, wtf, if you exercise or rub cream or do-this-thing-that-makes-no-sense it will help you get rid of it" that shit went on, in my DM's and in the public comments. I am not going to sit here and write to you what cellulite is, what it ISN'T or try to bang it into your head that yes, my dear friends "thin + healthy + fit" women also have cellulite, I am going to let you do your own research. You have google and you have can DM if you want to have a CONVERSATION exchanging opinions, facts and resources to help us BRIDGE gaps instead of create bigger ones. I exercise 5x a week, I will murder you at cardio (my cardiovascular system is off the hizzy), I foam roll, I do yoga, I stretch, I eat my greens and I drink over a gallon of water every day. I used to use creams, I used to dry brush, I got massages and considered surgery. SO, don't tell me that I have to be more fit, more healthy, more this, more that, don't tell me to try your cream or that I need to create more blood flow to the places where my cellulite exists. Cause bish, I got chu. Been there done that. My friends, my cellulite is here to stay. And I am fucking okay with that. #bodyacceptance #celluliteyoualrite #namaslay #thisiswhatfitlookslike #embracethesquish #mesosquishy #mermaidthighs #iamallwoman #tbcr 🌈😊🌸😊🌸😊🌸😊🌈
A post shared by K E N Z I E ⚡️ B R E N N A (@omgkenzieee) on

Simply amazing! Stay fierce gorgeous! Thanks for supporting the #selfiesforselflove movement 💝😸🌺 from @josie_landry #Repost @deegetsstronger with @repostapp ・・・ Second curvalicious cellulite post, in honor of @omgkenzieee's #cellulitesaturday's (woop woop!!!!) and her attempt to spread awareness of the shame our society has brought onto our bodies💕 There's no shame in having squishy bits on your body, or having those same squishy bits move whenever you do. There's no shame in embracing and loving yourself, or spreading that love to others. There's no shame in participating in activities that "aren't meant for your body type". There's no shame in wearing whatever the fuck you feel most confident in. Shame is for the people who put others down for the sole sake of feeling better about themselves. For the media outlets and public figures, who would rather endorse a product that is profitable to them, than use their high positions to spread positivity and love to their audience. And for the ignorant minds who will tell you that self love is not in itself an act of spreading love to others. Health is not defined by one particular shape or size. Health is not cellulite creams/low-carb breads/fat-free yogurts/waist trainers/detox tees/fad diets/2 week ab programs/body wraps OR ANY OTHER LOAD OF CRAP THE MEDIA TRIES TO SELL YOU. Health is being aware of your body's needs - giving it rest, challenging it, nourishing it, and most of all, being able to truly call it home.💕
A post shared by Selfies For Self Love (@selfiesforselflove) on
Todas as imagens: Reprodução Instagram

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